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Weekend Housing Specialist

Job Details

Chicago, IL
Part Time
High School
Nonprofit - Social Services

Weekend Housing Case Manager

  • Have the ability to conduct a robust assessment to identify the most appropriate type of permanent housing, including permanent supportive housing, senior housing, HIV housing or rapid re-housing.
  • Must be able to recognize and assess the signs and symptoms of mental illness, physical illness, development limitations and substance induced behavior and know what proper treatments are for these issues.
  • Must possess the ability to provide evidence based practices including Comprehensive Case Management, Harm Reduction, Housing First, Permanent Supportive Housing, Motivational Interviewing and Trauma Informed Care.  
  • Can communicate relevant information in writing in a clear, concise, and appropriate manner with other staff, supervisors, and program participants.
  • Can communicate relevant information verbally in a clear, concise, and respectful manner with other staff, supervisors, and program participants.
  • Be able to work in a team environment, share information and coordinate services with other staff and external organizations.
  • Be able to complete work independently without prompting. Be able to maintain a schedule and follow through with tasks without prompting.
  • Able to ask for input and assistance from your supervisor and accept supervision when in need of information or when there is a clinical issue outside of one’s knowledge base.
  • Able to complete required paperwork before deadlines and manage time wisely to follow through with assigned tasks as soon as possible.